Tuesday 7 May 2019

Mossy Forest Cameron Highlands

Malaysia will make you sweat like it is a sauna everywhere. To escape the heat, we suggest you visit the Cameron Highlands - about 3 hours away from Kuala Lumpur and rest in a much cooler climate.

And on top of that, you can also go see the biggest flower in the world - the rotten Rafflesia flower, also known as the rotting corpse flower, and see the Mossy forest, an area at the peak of Mount Brinchang that is covered with moss.

This Penang Themepark Makes You Climb and Jump

The thing about theme parks is this -- you walk, and walk, and ride, and buy souvenirs.

Not the Escape Penang though.

This is said to be better than the Sunway Lagoon or Tambun Lost World in Ipoh.

Want to break a sweat? Get to the Escape Penang then.

Pictures are from these Instagrammers: @reffandy @nadiahwafa @the_pekentuts @mohammed.alafifi

p/s Want to see all waterpark in Malaysia?

Check here